TheĀ Field Report

articles and more...


The Honor System honoring May 16, 2024

The 3 biggest misconceptions about Honoring & the 2 training tricks that really work!

Honoring is hard for nearly everyone, whether you're a positive trainer or not. It's one of the many...

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Help - My Puppy Forgot his Training! Apr 05, 2024
It seems like our puppies are geniuses, doing so many awesome skill sets! 
Then, one day, we realize, the pup is just not responding to our cues or completing skills the way they were last...
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A Conversation with Ann McGloon & Jennifer Henion Mar 01, 2024

Two positive trainers in the field sport game. We talk spaniel tests, retriever tests and some of the skills we're working on now with our high drive dogs. Ann has a field Cocker, Millie, and of...

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Holding Blind Routine - 5 step process holding blinds Feb 27, 2024


Waiting in line! It's the least fun part of being at a Hunt Test or trial. But it's necessary. 

And those waiting stations are right where all the gunfire is. Not to mention the...

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Group Training events & Glorious Imperfection group training thinking in arousal Feb 01, 2024

How do you know if you're ready?

It's not even wanting to be perfect! Just being READY to perform well, would be nice! Right?! To not embarrass one self! 

This article is about the amazing...

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